East Columbus United Methodist Church
2439 Indiana Avenue
Columbus, IN 47201
(812) 376-7418


Boy Scout Troop 549


Boy Scout Troop 549

Scoutmaster: Bruce McIntosh

East Columbus United Methodist Church
2439 Indiana Ave.
Thursday’s from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Contact us at:

Boy Scout Troop 549 is about building character in today's youth for tomorrow's leaders. Troop 549 will work with youth to achieve Eagle ranking and will help each boy learn and grow though his young age.

Troop 549 has been sponsored by East Columbus United Methodist for over 50 years with many boys earning Eagle rank. We encourage scouts to come to every meeting if possible, but we fully understand if a scout has scheduling conflicts with extracurricular or sports activities. Members of troop 549 do not think of our troop as a troop or something we have to go to, we think of our troop as a family who can have fun learning from each other.

Scouting is one of the world's traditions made to teach boys many things such as skills that can be used to better themselves or used to help others. Boy Scouts also teaches boys many survival techniques in case they are ever needed. Troop 549 does many indoor and outdoor activities while having fun.

Stop by for a visit and have fun!

Visit us on our Facebook page

Sunday Morning Fellowship
8:30 - 9:00 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship Services

9:00 a.m.

Sunday School
10:10 a.m.


Grace's Table Free Meal Sunday, April 13, at 5:00 p.m. in the Youth Center.

Holy Week begins April 13. More details here.

Check out our Events page to see what's happening this month at ECUMC here.

You can also view a printable version of our Monthly Calendar of scheduled events here.

ECUMC Newsletter

There are lots of things happening this month at ECUMC. Check out Here's what's happening! in the News from the Mailbox section of the April 2025 Newsletter.

Missed an issue of the newsletter? Visit our archive here.