East Columbus United Methodist Church
2439 Indiana Avenue
Columbus, IN 47201
(812) 376-7418



There are lots of exciting things taking place at ECUMC this year...
and even more on the way!

Online Worship

Our Church Service is available online for viewing through YouTube or on our Facebook page. Please contact the church office if you are having trouble viewing the service online.


Office Will Be Closed Wednesday, January 1 to celebrate the New Year.

Trustee Meeting will be held Thursday, January 9 at 5:30 p.m.

Grace's Table Free Meal Sunday, January 9, at 5:00 p.m. in the Youth Center.

Weekly Prayer Hour 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Every Tuesday a prayer time is held from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for anyone to come and lift up their personal prayers. Come and pray for a few minutes or the whole hour. Please enter through the Elevator Door.


Undeck the Halls

Christmas Decoration Cleanup

Monday, January 6, 12 p.m.
Help is needed to take down the
decorations through out the church


Kindness counts

Need some creative ideas for performing acts of kindness?

Here are a few from randomactsofkindness.org.

     - Make blankets or scarves for homeless people.
     - Send a care package to someone who's in college or the military.
     - Collect coins for a charity or cause.
     - When you can't attend an event, give the tickets to strangers.
     - Offer to babysit or pet-sit for free.
     - Send a note of appreciation to someone who's made a difference in your life.
     - Share your gifts of music, reading or conversation at a nursing home.
     - Donate old sports equipment to schools.
     - Give someone the benefit of the doubt—maybe even a family member or yourself.


In order to update our congregation and visitors on how we are planning to provide clarity in regard to worship services and ministry events...

  • For the most current information, changes, etc., see our Facebook page

  • The church office is open per usual hours, and you can call, email, etc. with prayer requests, spiritual needs, questions, and to keep us up-to-date on your well-being and any needs you might have. If you have any questions regarding any previously scheduled meetings. please feel free to contact us as well.

For information on current and upcoming schedules and events, take a look at our Calendar of Events.

For the most up to date information on events and/or cancellations please contact the church office.

Sunday Morning Fellowship
8:30 - 9:00 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship Services

9:00 a.m.

Sunday School
10:10 a.m.

ECUMC Newsletter

There are lots of things happening this month at ECUMC. Check out Here's what's happening! in the News from the Mailbox section of the January 2024 Newsletter.

Missed an issue of the newsletter? Visit our archive here.