East Columbus United Methodist Church
2439 Indiana Avenue
Columbus, IN 47201
(812) 376-7418


About Us


East Columbus United Methodist Church offers a variety of services to fulfill the needs of a busy and diverse congregation. We have a blended Sunday morning worship service starting at 9:30 a.m. During the service you will hear a variety of musical styles represented. Old is combined with new to make for a more well-rounded service. Hymn books or songsheets are used for more traditional songs, and lyrics for more modern songs are projected on a screen. After the children's time with the pastor, children have the option of going to childrens church during the remaining time of the service. We also offer childcare during our services for those who wish to utilize it. There are refreshments available before and after the morning service to allow people time for fellowship with their church family and to meet visitors.

In addition to our regular services, we also offer seasonal services such as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunrise services.

We offer optional hearing devices for the hearing impaired as well as an elevator, ramp, reserved parking places, and other things to assist our physically challenged friends.

For more information about the many different programs we offer and opportunities to take part in, please look at our Get Connected section as well as our Calendar.

There is something for everyone at East Columbus United Methodist Church. Come join us and bring your faith alive.

Mission, Vision, and Core Values Learn more here.


Jongmin Lee, Senior Minister
Terry Snyder, Music Director
Angie Sherfick, Administrative Assistant

Sunday Morning Fellowship
8:30 - 9:00 a.m.

Sunday Morning Worship Services

9:00 a.m.

Sunday School
10:10 a.m.


Grace's Table Free Meal Sunday, December 8, at 5:00 p.m. in the Youth Center.

Holiday Worship Schedule See details here.

Check out our Events page to see what's happening this month at ECUMC here.

You can also view a printable version of our Monthly Calendar of scheduled events here.

ECUMC Newsletter

There are lots of things happening this month at ECUMC. Check out Here's what's happening! in the News from the Mailbox section of the December 2024 Newsletter.

Missed an issue of the newsletter? Visit our archive here.